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Physio Sensing

Balance and Pressure Platform

Baropodometry and stabilometry in a single device:

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Visual Biofeedback


PhysioSensing measures:

  • Plantar Pressure Map

  • Center of Pressure (CoP)

  • Sway

  • Weight Distribution

  • Several derivable variables

PhysioSensing Range Technology

1. Balance

Balance control consists of controlling the body center of mass over its limits of stability. Clinical balance assessment can help assess fall risk and/or determine the underlying reasons for balance disorders. The benefits of using force plates in balance assessment comes from their ability to measure center of pressure (CoP).

2. Feet Pressure Map

Foot Pressure Mapping is a method of measuring pressures on the surface of the foot during standing or walking. Static and dynamic baropodometricz analysis are performed on a baropodometric platform, through which the pressure exerted by the feet from standstill and during walking is being measured.

3. Posturography

Computerized posturography systems utilize force platforms to measure the sway of a patient by determining the movements of the instantaneous Center of Pressure (CoP). The CoP data collected can be visualized through a statokinesigram and stabilogram.

4. Virtual Reality

In the recent decade, Virtual Reality has become generally accepted as a therapeutic tool for neurological patients. VR involves real-time simulation and interactions between sensory, motor and cognitive channels. VR can be set up to be strongly immersive, in that the environment appears real and three-dimensional. VR provides an ideal environment to study the balancing strategies.

5. Visual Biofeedback

Visual Biofeedback is a rehabilitation method that can be used during static balance training, offering the patient visual information on the position of the center of gravity within the range of stability as the patient stands on a plate. It stimulates motivation, proprioceptive information to the patient, simulates the body movements and provides valuable information for the health professional.



Vestibular Rehabilitation

Assessment of balance disorders such as: dizziness, vertigo, fear of falling, confusion or disorientation. Balance training with various types of stimuli.

Neurological Physical Rehabilitation

Motor skills recovery by creating new neural pathways. Balance training and load transfers.


Orthopedic Physical Rehabilitation

Evaluation of load distribution in the lower limbs. Balance training to develop ankle, knee and hip movement strategies.

Sports Medicine

Balance and proprioceptivity training to increase sports performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

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